I’ve always wanted to be an artist

I was born on November 11th, 1987, in Iglesias (South Sardinia). Between 2006 and 2007 I awarded a diploma,with full marks in the high school of arts in Cagliari (Liceo Artistico Foiso Fois).Subsequently, I continued my studies in Technologies for Cultural Heritage Restoration, but in 2009 I dropped out of university, and I started to approach myself in the world of work.

During this period, passion for art never let me and I kept improving my artistic skills. In fact, in 2013 I decided to approach to tattoo arts. During 2018, after numerous experiences and sacrifice I joined the staff of a tattoo studio in Cagliari. From this moment, my motivation became stronger, and I decided to make of this art a lifestyle. In 2019, I went to Latina, and I obtained the Tattoo and Piercing habilitation and qualification provided by Gim International school.

Between 2019 and 2020, I met national and international artists and I attended some seminaries and events, such as, Cagliari Tattoo Convention. After that, I started working like guest artist around the province. In 2019, I went to Berlin where I approached to local tattoo studios. Finally, in 2020 I returned to Italy, and I left the suburban studio to become part of Da Vinci Tattoo Studio staff (Cagliari) as resident artist.

During those months, I went back to German, but this time in Monaco di Baviera. I came in contact with an important studio ‘Medusa Tattoo and Piercing’ as Italian guest artist. In 2021, I decided to leave da Vinci Studio and I started up my own activity named, ArmoniacromaticA. Throughout my experience I tried several techniques and finally I achieved FINELINE, MICROREALISM and WATERCOLOR specialization.